Author: Irish End Poverty Day Committee

Let’s Answer Again the 1987 Call to Action! The 2017 International Concept Note for UN End Poverty Day

Concept Note prepared by the International Committee for October 17 and agreed with UNDESA The views in this document do not necessarily represent those of the United Nations or its Member States. This year marks the 25 th anniversary of the declaration by the General Assembly, in its resolution 47/196 of 22 December 1992, of 17 October as the International… Read more →

A new resolution on the UN Day adopted in New York!

A new resolution on the UN End Poverty Day has been adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on the 21 December 2016 in the frame of the Second United Nations Decade for the Eradication of Poverty (2008 – 2017).     This “United Nations A/RES/71/241 General Assembly” resolution “invites all States, organizations of the United Nations system, intergovernmental organizations… Read more →

When Voices Unite: Breaking the Silence to Leave No One Behind

  “Whether he sings his love, pain, dreams or memory, the Human, between the lines, first sings for his thirst for dignity…  Whether in the Guatemala’s aldéas, as in Haïti’s dulls, or in African, Asian and European slums, everywhere I could hear families living in extreme poverty, singing for their dignity” Joseph Wresinski, 1987 To celebrate the dignity of people… Read more →

In 2017, we will support the “Wresinski Legacy” Project!

On Sunday the 12th February 2017, Human Rights defenders and Anti-Poverty activist will mark the centenary of the birth of the initiator of the UN Day for the Eradication of Poverty. The Irish Committee will also mark the day and throughout 2017 we will support the ATD Ireland project “The Wresinski Legacy”, a project which will give us an opportunity… Read more →

Human Rights Day 2016: the 17 October Committee launches its 2017 End Poverty Calendar!

On 10th December 2016, International Human Rights Day, the Irish 17 October Committee launched its 2017 #EndPoverty Calendar. This calendar has been prepared by the Irish Committee and refers to major #EndPoverty events of 2016:  the first anniversary of the adoption of the 17 UN Global Goals for Sustainable Development and the annual UN #EndPoverty Day observed throughout the country.… Read more →

On 7th December 2016, join the “SAOL project” to launch “OBJECT POVERTY”!

On Wednesday 7th of December 2016, the School of Nursing & Human Sciences, Dublin City University and the SAOL Project Dublin will launch ‘Object Poverty’, a socially engaged art project and exhibition created by the SAOL Project, a member of our Irish 17 October Committee and partner of ATD Ireland in the Our Voices project. The project was first presented… Read more →