Strengthening creative campaigns within communities against debt in Ireland and all around the world

One day after #EndPoverty Day, on Saturday October 18th, Debt and Development Coalition & Galway One World Centre invite to a day for dialogue, inspiration, ideas and energy for forging and strengthening creative campaigns within our communities against unjust debt in Ireland and all around the world.

“Borrowers Can Be Choosers – Forging Debt Resistant Communities” – Galway Harbour Hotel, Galway City – 10.30am – 5pm

Citizens are invited to come and participate in discussion and debate with activists representing communities fighting back against the debt from all over Ireland… and speakers from Argentina, Greece and Ireland, including:
– Prof Alan Cibils, Buenos Aires, Argentina
– Prof Terry McDonough, Galway
– Dr Conor McCabe, School of Social Justice, UCD
– Christina Laskaridis, Debt Audit Campaign, Greece
– Diarmuid O’ Flynn, Ballyhea Says No, Cork

The day will also include entertainment from Little John Nee.

To register please email: