17th October 2020

Discover below a visual report of events around Ireland marking the International UN End Poverty Day on 17 October 2020
For more information on these events, you can view the Irish 17 October Committee’s
National 17 October 2020 Programme Booklet
The Irish 17 October Committee is grateful to all the stakeholders and volunteers who made all these events possible.
For regular updates and pictures of events worldwide,
visit our Twitter, and see also the www.overcomingpoverty.org international website!
The theme for this year’s End Poverty Day is: Acting together to achieve social and environmental justice for all.
The traumatic impact of the coronavirus pandemic in countries across the world has provided a stark reminder to us all of how inextricably linked the issues of social wellbeing for everyone and the wellbeing of our planet are.
Since the onset of the pandemic, it has been clear that the more fortunate have had more and better opportunities and resources to protect themselves. This contrasts sharply with the situation facing the less fortunate for whom such basic protections are weak or largely absent.
People living in extreme poverty, often through sheer necessity, are the first to act decisively within their communities in response to poverty, climate change and environmental challenges. However, their efforts and experience often go unnoticed and unappreciated; their ability to contribute positively to solutions has been overlooked; they are not recognised as drivers of change, and their voices are not heard, especially in international bodies.
This must change. The participation, knowledge, contributions and experience of people living in poverty and those left behind must be valued, respected and reflected in our efforts to build an equitable and sustainable world in which there is social and environmental justice for all.

Blanchardstown Center for Independent Living
Our staff and volunteers continue gathering to work over the phone and on zoom with members of our peer support group for their input and advice as to the information in our booklet and flyers about living with a disability.

Young SVP
Members of Young SVP share 2 of our videos on our ‘Social Justice Book Club’ project.
Saol Project
In support and solidarity with the 17 October End Poverty Day, the SAOL sisters present our new and original song written for the day called ‘BLIND (eyes wide open)’.
Enjoy and please share with the world 🙂
To watch – click here
To read song lyrics – click here.

Arden View Family Resource Centre, Tullamore
We are pleased to share with you some images from our booklet, ‘My Story’, which provides insights into what its like to live in poverty, hardship or trauma in Ireland today.

Doras Bui
Here is a collage of some of the photos we have taken so far showing some of the mindfulness packs, and some of the ingredients and the tasty meals that participants made.
Even though it is being delivered on Zoom, participants are enjoying learning how to cook economically for their families and to be mindful at the same time.
Click here to view ‘healthy food’ recipe book.

Aster Family Resource Centre
We engaged with young people in schools and community so as to capture what their thoughts and ideas were about poverty. It was a build-up to our zoom webinar.

Kids Own Publishing Partnership
Young people from Sligo are working with artist Vanya Lambrecht Ward and writer Mary Branley in our online creative workshops to respond to Sustainable Development Goal 1: End Poverty in All its Forms!

Irish Congress of Trade Unions
ICTU Global Solidarity Statement: UN Day for the Eradication of Poverty
Congress Global Solidarity calls for urgent action for the eradication of poverty
Congress Global Solidarity Committee Chairperson, Yvonne O’Callaghan said “On this year’s International Day for the Eradication of Poverty we are calling for a Just Recovery that invests in those who have been left behind. Everyone should be guaranteed an adequate income to participate fully in society, whether they are in work or not. We need an end to poverty- including child poverty, an end to homelessness, and to prioritise decent work built on upholding the rights of workers.”
The global health crisis has exposed deep-seated inequalities in our society. The most vulnerable people are being hit the hardest, both in Ireland and abroad. As the Government faces the challenges posed by the pandemic, our recovery must be a just one as we cannot go back to the way things were before and that creates a sustainable future for all.
Congress believes that we need a just recovery that results in fair and equal societies, flourishing within the limits of our one planet and one that builds long term prosperity and resilience.
On this International Day of Action, together with trade unions across the world we are joining the global rally to fight inequality. The Global Rally will bring together grassroots activists from across the world to take action in highlighting how inequality must be ended through radical actions that will serve the people.
“Climate Change poses other challenges to achieving equality and the eradication of poverty. A Just Recovery means focusing on climate justice, It means eliminating climate-changing pollution in a way that tackles inequality and reduces poverty.
“Faster and fairer climate action can and should create thousands of new, well-paid, secure, unionised jobs across the country and support an economy that operates within ecological limits. It must include a Just Transition for the workers and communities most impacted by the move to a zero-pollution future and must be fully equality and poverty proofed.”
Lus Na Greine Family Resource Centre
This short film entitled ‘Worlds Apart – Communities Together’ focuses the limelight on our North Longford Community. It features snap shots of real life stories in this year of the Covid-19 pandemic. The film illustrates how a community acting together has shown resilience in the face of multi dimensions of anxiety, poverty, adversity and marginalisation. The work has brought together children, young people and their families from a range of backgrounds and cultures including new families recently settled in the area from all around the globe.
Breffni Family Resource Centre
Here are some photos from our ‘Turning the Tide of Poverty’ event when we created a beautiful flower display set inside our ‘UN Day 17 October’ boat.

South Inner City Community Development Association
Here are some photos of our booklets and card-making kits we delivered to older people to raise awareness about poverty.

All Together in Dignity Ireland
Here is the recording of our 17 October online event to mark the United Nations International End Poverty Day.
What do you think when you hear about ‘poverty’?
Our views can be influenced by the media, by popular stereotypes, and sometimes by personal experience.
All Together in Dignity (ATD) Ireland, a member of the Irish 17 October Committee, launches its new film “17 Voices, 1 Message – Stop Poverty #17October”.
Listen to conversations with 17 people, many of whom have lived experience of poverty, about what they think poverty is and what it means to them in context of the annual UN International End Poverty Day on 17th of October.
You could be surprised!
What they have to say may change how you think and act about poverty.
Thank you to all those who took part in International UN End Poverty Day 17 October 2020!

#EndPoverty #LeaveNoOneBehind #17octcomIrl

The Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection supported these events as part of its 2020 funding initiative for the International United Nations Day for the Eradication of Poverty, 17 October.