17 Grantees for the 17 October for the 17 SDGs
The Irish 17 October Committee has some exciting news!
17 groups around the country are among those marking #17October World Day to #EndPoverty this year, and mindful of the 17 #sdgs.
Read all about it in the National #17October 2020 Programme Booklet published today. The booklet features information on the projects of each of the 17 grantees funded this year
You can access the booklet here: https://t.co/j5ZD7BH4A1
The Committee wishes all 17 grantees every success with their World Day 17 October projects. We hope to soon feature a Gallery of the 17 October projects around Ireland.
The National 17 October 2020 Programme Booklet is supported by the DEASP ,@welfare_ie, under its Public Awareness Funding scheme 2020.