17.10.17 in 17×10 pictures and a few videos!
Discover here below a visual report of most of the 2017 UN Day events in Ireland!
For more details about each event,
please look at the End Poverty Day National Programme 2017!
The Irish Committee for the UN End Poverty Day is grateful to all the stakeholders
and volunteers who made all these events possible!
For regular updates and pictures from events worldwide,
visit and like our Facebook page
and see also the www.poverty-stop.org and
www.overcomingpoverty.org international websites!
From Friday 6th October to Wednesday 18th October
30 End Poverty Quotes on Custom House Quay
Friday 6th October
Monday 9th October
Wednesday 11th October
Budget 2018 Analysis and Response Webinar
Social Justice Ireland launched an Analysis and Response to Budget 2018
Watch the video:

Thursday 12th October
The SAOL project fashion show ended with “faces of poverty” jumpers and the “hope dress”.
The show was also an opportunity to present for the very first time
the “#Object2Poverty” Stand and Campaign!
Saturday 14th October
The Wresinski Legacy Workshop during Dublin’s Open House at the French Residence
Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th October
An Irish Delegation attends the “Stop Poverty Village” event in Paris (place of 1st End Poverty Day Gathering)
Monday 16th October
Hurricane Ophelia hits Ireland: many events are postponed or cancelled
Tuesday 17th October
Poster awareness campaign for “Eradication/Election Day” prepared by Sophia Housing
National event at the 17 October Stone in Dublin
Texts from the gathering here!
More pictures of the gathering here and of the Global Boats Launch here!
Launch of the #Object2Poverty Social Media Campaign!
Add the #Object2Poverty campaign frame to your profile picture
or take a selfie with your Facebook camera with our affect
and stand with us in the fight against poverty.
What do you draw the line at? What will you do?
Let everyone know! Tag your friends!
Visit www.facebook.com/saolproject/
Volunteers gatherered by Sister Lelia Newman promoting the UN Day in Belfast in front of the City Hall.
They received a message of support by Peace Nobel Prize Laureate Mairead Maguire!
The SAOL project and ATD Ireland delegates welcomed by Maureen O’Sullivan TD
and colleagues (TDs and Senators) in Leinster House AV room to mark the UN End Poverty Day.
The SAOL project presented “Object poverty” and ATD launched the www.weareone2017.org call to action.
An Uncomfortable Truth: The risk of poverty working in Early Childhood Care and Education
This year the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection funded Early Childhood Ireland (ECI)
to produce three videos capturing the impact of poor pay and conditions in the early childhood care
and education (ECE) sector on the lives of early years educators.
Read the Early Childhood Ireland statement here.
Watch the videos produced here
The Connect FRC in Drogheda art group and tutors celebrated the United Nations Day
with Mayor Pio Smith. Together they unveiled their End Poverty Mosaïc!
And in the Arden View Family Resource Centre in Tullamore, co Offaly
Open night with music and the unveiling of a mural painting in the meeting room
In New York
Discover more pictures and videos of the day at the UN in New York here!
Seamus Neville, born in Tralee, speaking the End Poverty Day event at the UN in New York!
“Everywhere in the world, extreme poverty separates children from their parents”
The full event at the UN in New York:
Wednesday 18th October
Cork Life Centre Book Launch of “Sustainable Development Goals – Perspectives“
Thursday 19th October
On the 19th October in the morning the Ballyhaunis FRC completed the project “4000 Promises”
Saturday 23rd October
Download here the AGM 2017 Dublin Declaration
Monday 23rd October
Tuesday 7th November
Lus Na Greine FRC, Granard, Co Longford
Watch the video:
More coming soon from Breffni, Dublin and overseas!
Monday 20th November
Coming soon also – Monday 20th November
Launch by Inclusion Ireland of Poverty and Disability:
An easy to read guide to economic inequality and the cost of disability
Registration Here!
The booklet will be launched by Minister for Employment Affairs & Social Protection, Regina Doherty TD.
This event was initially organised to mark the United Nations’ (UN) International Day for the Eradication of Poverty
but was postponed due to bad weather conditions created by hurricane Ophelia.