Author: Irish End Poverty Day Committee

Walking as One for an Inclusive Society! Help design the best #StopPoverty plan for Ireland!

Let’s commit together to design and implement the best social inclusion plan ever! On UN End Poverty Day, ATD Ireland launched a Call to Action on the People of Ireland The call to action “Walking Together for an Inclusive Society” has been launched by ATD Ireland in Leinster House on UN End Poverty Day, 17 Oct 2017. ATD Ireland &… Read more →

Messages and statements from the End Poverty Day 2017

  Message by the UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres   Message by Philip Alston, UN Special Rapporteur on Poverty and Human Rights: World is ignoring human rights of poor despite disproportionate abuses   Message from Donald Lee, President of the International 17 October Committee   Texts from the Dublin Gathering at the Human Rights and Poverty Stone   Message by… Read more →

Poverty Facts 2017

Each year, on the occasion of the UN End Poverty Day, the Vincentian Partnership for Social Justice produces the “Poverty Facts” leaflet which is distributed to participants in the national gathering in Dublin! You can download it from here! On the occasion of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty 2017, Eurostat published also a data visualisation tool as… Read more →

Ireland Marks the 2017 UN End Poverty Day!

  The national programme “Ireland marks #EndPoverty Day 2017” is now available! Download it! Below we present some posters announcing various events across the country!   Until Tuesday 17 October support the #StopPoverty Call to Action and the Thunderclap From Friday 6th October to Wednesday 18th October 30 End Poverty Quotes on Custom House Quay Friday 6th October   Monday… Read more →

Today, we renew our pledge that no one will be left behind.

INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE FOR OCTOBER 17 Message for the 2017 United Nations’ Day for the Eradication of Poverty October 2017 Thirty years ago, on October 17, 1987, Father Joseph Wresinski launched his historic Call to Action against extreme poverty at the Trocadero Human Rights Plaza in Paris with his declaration that “Wherever men and women are condemned to live in extreme… Read more →

The European Parliament marks UN End Poverty Day on 17 October!

The European MEPs Parliament Intergroup “Extreme Poverty and Human Rights, Fourth World Committee” invites all MEPs and citizens in Brussels to attend an UN End Poverty Day event on “Answering the Call of October 17 to end poverty: A path toward peaceful and inclusive societies” . This event will take place from 15:00 to 17:00 in room PHS 5B001 of… Read more →