The Irish 17 October Committee pays tribute to Sister Caoimhín Ní Uallacháin OP

Our friend Sr. Caoimhín Ní Uallacháin O.P. passed a way peacefully in the care of the staff at Santa Sabina House in Cabra on Saturday March 3rd, 2018.

Here is how John Lonergan wrote about her in his book “The Governor”:


You can watch her from 7min25sec in this video covering the 2013 UN End Poverty Day gathering :



Read here the tributes to Sr. Caoimhín Ní Uallacháin prepared by members of the International 17 October Committee and by All Together in Dignity all around the world!

The 3 pictures on this page were taken in May 2014. Sr. Caoimhín Ní Uallacháin was attending the opening ceremony of the biennial meeting of the International 17 October Committee gathered in Dublin.